BOTOX® for Dentistry
Did you know that BOTOX can be beneficial if you’re undergoing a dental implant procedure? We’re proud to provide therapeutic BOTOX for dental implant protection!
With this technique, we inject BOTOX to relax the muscles in the mouth and reduce the risk of implant-related complications. (The use of BOTOX for dental implant protection is recognized by studies in the National Library of Medicine.)
Am I a candidate for BOTOX dentistry?
Therapeutic BOTOX dentistry is particularly helpful for patients who have a history of bruxism (teeth grinding) or excessive jaw muscle contractions. These tendencies can place undue pressure on dental implants and compromise their stability.
By administering BOTOX in carefully selected areas, we can help relax the muscles responsible for these movements and minimize the risk of implant-related complications or implant failure.
Is BOTOX temporary?
Yes, it’s important to know that the effects of BOTOX are temporary and typically last for several months. Periodic follow-up appointments may be necessary to maintain the implant’s protection.
How does it work?
This therapeutic procedure would be performed by our highly skilled and trained dental implant specialist, Dr. Montoya. If BOTOX for dental implants is ideal for you, here’s what you can expect:
Step 1: Consultation
You’ll visit us for a free consultation, where Dr. Montoya will thoroughly examine your smile. He’ll identify areas of concern, such as muscle overactivity or bruxism (teeth grinding), which may jeopardize your dental implant success.
Step 2: Treatment
If BOTOX is right for you, a small amount of BOTOX will be injected into specific facial muscles with the utmost precision. These muscles will relax, reducing excessive force or tension around the implant site.
Step 3: Start Smiling
Over the next few days, the BOTOX will begin to take effect by temporarily relaxing the targeted muscles, which in turn alleviates the pressure on your dental implants.
BOTOX injections are virtually painless and can usually be completed in just a few minutes!
Want to know more?
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. Our team would love to hear from you!
This innovative use of BOTOX in dentistry is an effective and minimally-invasive approach that safeguards your dental implants and ensures their long-term success and durability. When you visit us, Dr. Montoya will create a completely custom treatment plan to address your specific needs and help you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile for a lifetime!